
The following bullet points - extracted from the text book

'TESLA IS GOING TO BE THE COMPANY" The objective of this first assignment is to identify aspects of customer satisfaction, how they affect customer retention and how the latter delivers higher customer profits due to a longer customer life - longevity. It is an overview of the first two chapters and the concepts should be connected back to the company you chose for the course and referenced appropriately.

The following bullet points - extracted from the text book - are assignment guidelines/suggestions only; please add to them as you progress in the material

The link between customer satisfaction and profitability

  • Importance of the (VOC) voice of the customer
  • Company leadership
  • Customer lifetime value
  • What is there to learn from the Biotronics' performance example?
  • Market growth and cost reduction strategies.
  • Other concepts you identify from the text or from current events related to your company of choice


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Business Management: The following bullet points - extracted from the text book
Reference No:- TGS02868271

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