Multiple-choice: Choose the one best answer.
1. Which are fractures in a rock that are closely spaced and regular?
A. joints
B. folds
C. faults
D. oblique slips
For Questions 2-5, refer to the following block diagram.

Macintosh HD:Users:lorilessing:Desktop:10-02.jpg
2. Which is the fold pictured in the diagram?
A. plunging anticline
B. plunging syncline
C. basin
D. dome
3. What kind of fault is shown?
A. strike-slip fault
B. reverse fault
C. normal fault
D. low-angle thrust fault
4. The hanging wall of the fault is on which side of the diagram?
A. north
B. south
C. east
D. west
5. The fold and fault illustrated on the diagram were probably formed by which of the following?
A. compressional force only
B. tensional force only
C. compressional then tensional force
D. tensional then compressional force
6. Which scale measures an earthquake's magnitude?
A. Mercalli
B. Beaufort
C. Richter
D. Reduced Rupert
7. Which instrument measures Earthquake waves?
A. magnetometers
B. gravimeters
C. mass spectrometers
D. seismometers
8. What is the geographic point on the Earth's surface that is directly above the point at which an earthquake begins?
A. focus
B. epicenter
C. strike
D. dip
9. What type of margins are created when plates slide past each other?
A. convergent
B. transform
C. divergent
D. normal
10. What is the driving force behind plate tectonics?
A. mid-ocean rift movement
B. forces concentrated at the ridge axis
C. convection in the mantle
D. earthquake activity
11. Where is the largest continental rift in the world?
A. Southern California
B. Germany
C. East Africa
D. South America
12. Which type of arc is the most apparent sign of a subduction zone and is also called a volcanic arc?
A. magmatic
B. back
C. island
D. fore
13. Earthquakes do not occur at which type of margin?
A. transform
B. divergent
C. passive
D. convergent
14. Which is the correct description of orogenesis?
A. the growth of mountain ranges as plates subduct
B. the merging of a smaller plate with a larger continental mass
C. the rising of ancient continental crust to the surface of the Earth
D. the melting of crustal materials to form magma
15. Continents consist of what two major structural components?
A. shields and platforms
B. mountain belts and cratons
C. ocean basins and plates
D. terranes and mantles