
The flynn effect is a shorthand reference to the


The Flynn effect is a "shorthand reference to the progressive rise in intelligence test scores that is expected to occur on a normed test intelligence from the date when the test was first normed" (Cohen, Swerdlik, and Sturman, 2012).

In the article I found Children becoming more intelligent: Can the Flynn effect be generalized to other intelligenct tests?by Wilma Resing and Erika Tunteler, they found that environment had played a part in this study. In my opinion, I definitely think this matter is specific to a person and that both environment and heredity play a role when measuring intelligence.

This study had a group take an intelligence test 25 years ago and then performed the same test recently. The results informed us that the children who took this test recently overall did better on the test. They also looked into memory where their main point of environment came into place.

They believe that environment could help the memory system and help retain more information. Since this article is more about the time effects, the environment seems to be looking into only that factor. I think in this study the did not even look into heredity and they were just seeing if the "Flynn effect" was put into play in their study.


Cohen, R. J., Swerdlik, M. E., &Sturman, E. D. (2012). Psychological testing and assessment - An introduction to tests & measurement (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Resing, W. C., &Tunteler, E. (2007). Children Becoming More Intelligent: Can the Flynn Effect be Generalized to Other Child Intelligence Tests? International Journal of Testing,7(2), 191-208. doi:10.1080/15305050701193546

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