The "flying car" is a ride at an amusement park which consists of a car having wheels that roll along a track mounted inside a rotating drum. By design the car cannot fall off the track, however motion of the car is developed by applying the car's brake, thereby gripping the car to the track and allowing it to move with a constant speed of the track, vt = 3 m>s. If the rider applies the brake when going from B to A and then releases it at the top of the drum, A, so that the car coasts freely down along the track to B (u = p rad), determine the speed of the car at B and the normal reaction which the drum exerts on the car at B. Neglect friction during the motion from A to B. The rider and car have a total mass of 250 kg and the center of mass of the car and rider moves along a circular path having a radius of 8 m.