
The floor area of each floor in these buildings is 400 m2

Calculate the NFF requirements (in L/min) for a neighborhood of 3-story, Joisted masonry apartment buildings. The floor area of each floor in these buildings is 400 m^2. The buildings are separated by large lawns so that the (Exposure + Communication) factor = 1.2. What is the length of fire event that should be planned for? What is the total volume of water (in m3) needed for firefighting? If this neighborhood were to be populated by 20,000 people, with Average daily demand = 600 L/d/person. What should be the design criteria for the water treatment system (in m3/s)? How much water should be stored at the service reservoir (emergency+ fire + working storage) in m3?

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Civil Engineering: The floor area of each floor in these buildings is 400 m2
Reference No:- TGS0643530

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