
The five good emperors are considered the model of roman

Terms: Define five (5) of the following terms in a few sentences. A good definition will have the date or time reference, the geographic location, a short description and the term's significance.

Remember: when, where, what or who and why?

Principate                   Donative                         Pharisees

Mystery religion          Diocletian                    Edict of Milan

Bishop                     Council of Nicaea         Corpus furls Civilis

Jihad                          Caliph                     Five Pillars of Islam

Missi Dominici Treaty of Verdun Fief and vassal

Essays: Write well-argued and complete responses on two (2) of the following essay questions. You should make a clear thesis statement, develop your argument using specific examples, and provide a conclusion.

1. The Five Good Emperors are considered the model of Roman government during the Pax Romana. What are the reasons for this approval? What makes these rulers different from other emperors? Hint: how did they come to power?

2. What were the major causes of the decline of the Roman emperors? What steps were taken to address these problems? Be specific.

3. Justinian has been called the last Roman Emperor, discuss the reasons for this statement and whether or not you agree with it.

4. Why was Charlemagne regarded as the greatest (hence Charles the Great) medieval king? What features of Charlemagne's government and personal characteristics made him the exemplar of medieval kingship?

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History: The five good emperors are considered the model of roman
Reference No:- TGS01407172

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