
The five functions of management-planning

Discuss the following:

Q: Of the five management functions, which do you expect will experience the most dramatic changes in the next decade? Defend your response . Which will have the least amount of change? Explain your answer.

The 5 functions of management-planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling-have many close linkages. Planning is part of every other management function. Creating and maintaining an organization's design requires planning. One of the first steps in staffing is human resource planning. Leading requires planning. Leaders rely on motivational programs that are planned in advance. Teams and groups use plans to direct activities. Communication systems and all the new iterations of those systems necessitate careful planning to spot new trends and to implement changes in technologies. Planning is the basis of control through the use of standards.

The organizing function shares similar bonds with other management functions. The first element of organizing, job design, is shared with the staffing function. Job specifications established in the job design aspect of organizing are used to recruit and select employees. Employees who fit are able to work well in company-prescribed teams and groups and to communicate effectively within the system. Staffing shares the human element with leading. Staffing involves choosing the right people. Leading consists enticing the highest levels of performance from those people. Controlling has one element in common with staffing. Both are involved in the performance appraisal process for individual employees. Standards link controlling and planning. Further, controlling begins the process of creating the next set of plans.

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Other Management: The five functions of management-planning
Reference No:- TGS01775935

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