1. Introduction
The first part of this unit introduces the material to be studied later. In addition to getting an overview of the material in the first part of the course, you should be able to explain
a. The difference between analog and digital systems and why digital systems are capable of greater accuracy
b.The difference between combinational and sequential circuits
c. Why two-valued signals and binary numbers are commonly used in digital systems
2. Number systems and conversion
When you complete this unit,you should be able to solve the following types of problems:
a. Given a positive integer, fraction, or mixed number in any base (2 through 16); convert to any other base.Justify the procedure used by using a power series expansion for the number.
b.Add, subtract, multiply, and divide positivebinary numbers .Explain the addition and subtraction process in terms of carries and borrows.
c. Write negative binary numbers in sign and magnitude, 1's complement, and 2's complement forms. Add signed binary numbers using 1's complement and 2's complement arithmetic.Justify the methods used.Statewhen an overflow occurs.
d. Represent a decimal number in binary-coded-decimal (BCD), 6-3-1-1code, excess-3 code, etc.Given a set of weights, construct aweighted code.