Read the team’s case analysis for Steelcase Enterprises and comment on two sections of the team’s report. Conducting Internet research to supplement your response will result in being awarded more points for quality, synthesis and analysis.
The first major problem is the conflicts affecting the employee performance and the overall morale within the two branches. The constant fighting between Donna, the Chief of the Mechanical branch, and Dik, the Chief of the Chemical branch, has continuously come in between the task at hand. Tonight it was the PR dinner, and with only having a short time before the dinner there was nothing prepared when Gene, the Director of each branch, arrived early. Gene has been aware of the constant problem between the two but cannot figure out what to do with this dilemma. What he should do is address the second issue with the lack of teamwork. Even though the branches were split, the main goal should always be the success of Steel Enterprise. From a macro-motivational perspective, as Robert Hogan and Colleagues note, teamwork is a by-product of two universal human motivations, getting ahead versus getting along (Steenbarger, 2017). This is a perfect example of what Dik and Donna need to learn to get ahead together.
The first micro problem is the conflict between the chemical and mechanical branches causing infighting. While the respective branches split after advisement from Alfred Gamble, the result isn’t what was expected. Since then, Olsen and Leeman have been arguing with each other. If the branches are constantly fighting and disagreeing with each other, issues like the PR dinner will continue to occur. Leeman has also overstepped his boundaries, by getting involved with the dinner in the first place, as it was Olsen’s job. The second micro problem is Gene Robertson’s lack of effective leadership. Despite the issues between the two branches having occurred for at least six months, He’s done little to alleviate the problem. While he’s resolved the issues after the fact, he needs to do something about the actual conflict between Leeman and Olsen, not just the symptoms of it. When workplace conflict remains unresolved, workers become stressed and distracted from their work, causing a major problem for Steele Enterprises (“Managing Workplace Conflict,” 2015).
The causes of the problems exist due to Gene (PR director) avoiding the conflict between Richard (Chief of Chemical Branch) and Donna (Chief of Mechanical Branch). The conflict has trickled down to other departments and leaders, and no actions have been taken to fix this situation; because of this a conflict ensued. In avoiding and turning a blind eye to the fact all this conflict is going down, he is enabling it. Other staff members are noticing the conflict, and Gene can we be seen as weak and unable to manage his staff. Another cause is Gene not taking the initiative to confront Richard or Donna on their work conduct. By not mediating the situation, he is enabling the problems to continue. Allowing this behavior and not attempting to end it, the morale of the staff and company has suffered. It is very likely issues like these tend to not resolve themselves on their own or without supervisor presence. His leadership skills are on the line and are now being questioned by other members of the staff due to his lack of inability to mediate the two employees. Gene, being the director has relied on his secretary to “keep her eyes and ears open and her mouth shut” (Brown, 2011). Instead of keeping the issues under the radar and depending on his secretary to keep it on the low, he needs to address it. Gene has realized after seven cases in the last six months that it had gone too far. This has caused conflict because he is now considering trading one of the two employees for another. He is feeling guilty that he is somewhat responsible for the conflicts, had he addressed them earlier he could have had a different end result without having to sacrifice his highly talented employees.
Systems Affected
There are various aspects of the business affected by the issues between Dik and Donna. Firstly, there is the managerial system affected by the problems between both Chiefs of Public Relations. The issue is that the problem could expand into both of their staffs taking sides and creating more chaos. Gene also mentions that his orders did not adhered as he laid them out. He told Donna to take care of the preparations for the event, but Dik came and tried to take over the duties that were assigned to her. Secondly, the technical system in the business was affected. Gene stated that it was not clearly defined which branches should work with which companies. This confusion was clearly an addition to an overwhelmingly growing problem. Finally, the psychosocial system in the business was negatively affected. This directly affects the goals the company has as a whole. Gene needs to create a direction for the team with concise orders. If there is no action taken by Gene, the relations his employees continue to develop will worsen. If the reunion had been a failure due to the problems both chiefs of public relations had, then as Gene stated, all of them would have been in trouble, especially himself since he was in charge of organizing and delegating instructions. The business cannot develop and thrive while so many systems are negatively impacted by problems from two employees.
Alternatives / Solid Evaluation / Recommendations
Although the situation between Dik and Donna appears grim, Gene does have a few options in order to resolve the problem at hand. The animosity they have for one another affects not only them individually but their teams as a whole. First, Gene could attempt to resolve the issue himself. By bringing Donna and Dik together in a meeting, will allow them to voice their individual concerns. The managers of the mechanical and chemical branches should recognize they are on the same team. The text also mentions the ambiguity about one's role and not being familiar or not clearly knowing what the expectations are (Brown, 2011). Perhaps another alternative would be to define responsibilities over their separate branches. The Director should be clear on the direction of each of the managers and those instructions should be in writing. This will impose effective communication between supervisor and staff. In addition, clear instructions to subordinates provide a basis for injecting accountability into the process. If, for example, Leeman had been told that Olsen was in charge of organizing the PR dinner and was fully responsible for its success, accountability would have been imposed on Olsen and a clear line drawn for Leeman’s non-interference. Accountability includes an obligation on the part of the supervisor to follow-up after the fact, especially where problems have surfaced, in order to inform all involved of the need to take corrective actions going forward. Repeated failures to follow instructions should be followed up with disciplinary action. We would recommend for long-term success an annual written performance evaluations for each employee as an effective tool. Most importantly Human Resources should become involved with the situation between Dik and Donna. They each need to be reminded of the common goals, values, and vision of the organization. Lastly, Gene should evaluate his management skills and if he is being an effective leader. It is easy for Gene to assume that he is utilizing his management skills to effectively manage his employees. However, Gene needs to ask himself is there anything he could be doing more of or less of, or differently, that would aid in improving the morale of the office. To sum up the situation, there are two managers who cannot resolve their differences alone, by a Director who lacks important managerial skills. If the two managers are considered otherwise valuable employees, consideration should be given to resolve the issues and team build.