The final project will be to develop a 8 page global

The final project will be to develop a 8 page Global Feasibility Analysis for a company that is considering market entry into a selected country with a particular product or service. The focus is a preliminary analysis to be presented to the executive team with recommendations for a go/no go decision. The Final Project must reflect college-level writing and thinking.

Focus of the Final Project

Topics to be addressed within the paper include:

  • Description of the company and its products, goods or services.
  • Identification of the major drivers of globalization for the industry
  • Identification of a country for market entry
  • Analysis of the economic development stage of the country
  • Exploration of the risks and opportunities of the company doing business in the country.
  • Identification of strategic actions and measurements, to include performance priorities, sources of competitive advantage, and competitive strategy in the industry in the identified country.
  • Presentation of final recommendation with supporting rationale.

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Business Management: The final project will be to develop a 8 page global
Reference No:- TGS01283288

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