
The final project design amp implementation report should

The planning report

on the previous we wrote the output will be displayed on the CRO, Now only remove the CRO from my planning because the output will display on the laptop itself, l mean instead of use the CRO to display the output. the update will be without CRO, no need to use CRO in my project, we will use only the laptop for whole my project.

So the update that I want you to do it, only remove CRO from any where from my planning project and say the output will display on the laptop. And the rest of my planning report will be same.

General Instructions:

1. The final project design & implementation report should be submitted to candidate's supervisor for review well in advance as per the instruction given by supervisor.

2. The final project design & implementation report should be hard bound (One Copy: A copy for External Examiner review) and it should be submitted at least two (working) days before the final presentation.

3. The color of front cover binding for the project design & implementation report should be BLUE, for all the project design and implementation students.

4. The front cover of the report should be in printed form along-with the MEC logo. The required print spacing on front cover page is as follows.
Top: 1.0 inches, Left: 1.5 inches, Right: 1.0 inches, Bottom: 1.0 inches.

5. Only one side of the page should be printed. The other side should be left blank.

6. The font used should be TIMES NEW ROMAN, 18 Points for chapter number and chapter title, 16 points for sections, 14 points for subsections and 12 Points for the running text with 1.5 line spacing between two consecutive lines. Footnotes shall be single spaced typing.

7. Use "Justification" alignment for the running text or body of the text.

8. Use "Center Justification" for chapter headings.

9. Use "Left Justification for Section Heading / sub-section headings"

10. The page number should be in footer at middle.

11. The students are also required to provide the overall material of project design & implementation report on CD (Total 3 CD; 2 CD should contain project presentation, project report and program if any, 1 CD should contain project report and project presentation only without complete program) to the concerned project supervisor.
Only the project design & implementation reports according to the above format will be considered and graded. The details about the structure of project design & implementation report are enclosed.



General Instructions:

1. The final project design & implementation report should be submitted to candidate's supervisor for review well in advance as per the instruction given by supervisor.

2. The final project design & implementation report should be hard bound (One Copy: A copy for External Examiner review) and it should be submitted at least two (working) days before the final presentation.

3. The color of front cover binding for the project design & implementation report should be BLUE, for all the project design and implementation students.

4. The front cover of the report should be in printed form along-with the MEC logo. The required print spacing on front cover page is as follows.
Top: 1.0 inches, Left: 1.5 inches, Right: 1.0 inches, Bottom: 1.0 inches.

5. Only one side of the page should be printed. The other side should be left blank.

6. The font used should be TIMES NEW ROMAN, 18 Points for chapter number and chapter title, 16 points for sections, 14 points for subsections and 12 Points for the running text with 1.5 line spacing between two consecutive lines. Footnotes shall be single spaced typing.

7. Use "Justification" alignment for the running text or body of the text.

8. Use "Center Justification" for chapter headings.

9. Use "Left Justification for Section Heading / sub-section headings"

10. The page number should be in footer at middle.

11. The students are also required to provide the overall material of project design & implementation report on CD (Total 3 CD; 2 CD should contain project presentation, project report and program if any, 1 CD should contain project report and project presentation only without complete program) to the concerned project supervisor.

Only the project design & implementation reports according to the above format will be considered and graded. The details about the structure of project design & implementation report are enclosed.



The following format is applicable to the project design & implementation report:

1. The report must be prepared in the English language using 12 point "Times New Roman" font, using only black ink on white A4 size standard paper having weight of at least 80 grams. Line spacing must be 1.5 and margin must be as shown in Figure 1.

1- Planning file:
I will send this file to you. I want from you, only to update this file. The update will be only removing the CRO from my project; I mean my planning will be without use the CRO, only use the laptop for whole my project. Now the output will display on the laptop itself instead display it on the CRO. Now no CRO more use in my project. So I want from you to update my planning file without use of the CRO.

2- Project design and implementation report:
You can work in this file later on, after you finish from planning file, because first I want to send some information to you to paste it in this file (implementation file). The information will be some explanation about the software and some of snapshots.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

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Other Engineering: The final project design amp implementation report should
Reference No:- TGS02242456

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