
The final project will be placed in the doc sharing

The final project will be placed in the Doc Sharing area at the beginning of Week 6. It is an individual project and you have Weeks 6 and 7 to complete it. Its name is ccsi460FinalProject.zip and is a 14.8MB compressed file. The zip file contains the disk image acquired through FTK Imager and the original FTK acquisition report. The image file is 15.5MB uncompressed so make sure your hard drive has that amount of space free.

Your case is to investigate the Intelligent Imaging Solutions (IIS) image and objectively report on the following.

Your determination of the IIS source code exposure, along with suspects and methods used for the exposure.
Your determination of other suspicious and/or illegal activity within IIS.
This investigation should incorporate all previous knowledge gained in the previous CCSI courses, including Digital Crime, Forensics I, and this course.

Your copy of FTK, that you downloaded and installed in the Week 1 Lab, will be used for the investigation. Since this is a senior-level course and the final course in the forensic track, your ingenuity, knowledge, professionalism, and resourcefulness are assumed.

Project Documentation

A properly prepared Forensic Report: This report will be used in criminal proceedings. Remember that this is a professional report and will be graded as such so make it accurate, detailed, objective, professional, easy-to-read, and nice-looking.

During your investigation with FTK, you will be collecting information relating to your investigation and will be given the opportunity to save it in log files. If you consider these logs significant, attach them to the end of your final report as supporting documentation.

A Course Critique and Suggestion page is included at the end of this document and is required to be completed.

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Basic Computer Science: The final project will be placed in the doc sharing
Reference No:- TGS0929865

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