
The fallacy and misuse of social darwinism

Topic: The fallacy and misuse of social darwinism


2-3 pgs, chicago format, turabian footnotes, use of ‘I’ permissable.

A more causual essay explaining the how the Scienctific theory of Darwinism’s evoloutionary theory was misused to promote ‘social darwinism’ as justification for subjugation of what some considered inferior classes, races. Including eugenics as a product of social darwinism’s advancement and acceptance with devestating results

1. Race and Race Theory

Howard Winant
Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 26, (2000), pp. 169-185

2. Evolutionary Fallacies of Nazi Psychiatry: Implications for Current Research

Martin Brune

3. Origins of the myth of social Darwinism: The ambiguous legacy of Richard Hofstadter’s Social Darwinism in American Thought

Darwin, Charles. The descent of man. Digireads. com Publishing, 2004.

5. Social Darwinism in European and American Thought, 1860-1945: Nature as …

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