The fact that there is a criminal investigation pending

1) The fact that there is a criminal investigation pending against Johnson and Johnson suggests that regulators feel that the company is not meeting its obligations at _________ level of corporate responsibility.

(A) a discretionary (B) a legal (C) an economic

2) The managers at Johnson and Johnson who authorized the buyback of defectice products might might have endorsed Milton Friedman's shareholder, or profit maximizing, view. Which of the following arguments also support Friedman's position? Check all that apply.

(A) People should be allowed to choose their charities themselves. When organizations donate money to charity, the bottom line suffers.

(B) Organizations are responsible for acting as good citizens in the society in which they operate.

(C) Organizations have the knowledge and resources to do good in the community, so they are responsible for helping others.

(D) People who put money into an organization deserve the maximum possible return on their investment.

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Operation Management: The fact that there is a criminal investigation pending
Reference No:- TGS01529272

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