
The exxon valdez disaster in prince william sound was

The Exxon Valdez disaster in Prince William Sound was caused by an intoxicated ship Captain and lead to $4.5 Billion in penalties and payments. In response, Exxon initiated a company policy that required company employees with alcohol problems to step forward and identify themselves. In return, Exxon provided rehabilitation and other assistance. However, they also put these employees on a list prohibiting them from getting certain high-risk jobs, i.e. ship captains, helicopter pilots, refinery unit operators, etc. Then, more than sixty Exxon employees complained to the EEOC that this constituted a violation of their rights under the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act which turned into another disaster: the EXXON v. EEOC case in federal court.

1) Are the employees who complained to the EEOC right? Have they been discriminated against based upon the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? Why or why not?

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Operation Management: The exxon valdez disaster in prince william sound was
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