
The extreme support influence the acquisition of the


Human beings often attempt to identify the best approaches towards reducing the emotional distress, stress among other social and psychological problems. There is a section of people who participate in extreme sports being a way of working on these problems. It is concluded that trying the X-games would assist in the pushing of one's adrenaline by skydiving, rolling coasters and bungee jumping (Breivik, 2010). Human beings subject to a series of situations every day. Some of these situations influence lead to mental and even physical fatigue. Alternatively, some experiences affect people emotionally leading to extreme social and psychological effects such as stress and sometimes depression. Some try to engage in extra-curricular activities while others participate in activities that help them relax their minds. Perfect examples of activities that human beings engage in to reduce stress and emotional rapture include watching movies, traveling, playing music and participating in sports. However, there are some exceptional categories of sports including the x-games. The paper intends to depict and discuss the different extreme games and their influence on the improvement of the quality of life amongst human beings.

Background of the Extreme Sports

Extreme sports are considered to be a different category of games from most other games. The uniqueness is defined by the extent in which the sports are perceived to have the high level of inherent danger, especially to the participants. In most cases, the extreme sports are perceived to incorporate terrific speeds, high levels of physical exertion, heights and highly specialized gears. Prior to engaging in these games, it is imperative to note that engagement of these games may require one to consider his or her demographic characteristics. From a specific point of understanding, the extreme sports tend to have a young age target. There are several examples of extreme sports. However, the essay intends to analyze skydiving, rolling coasters and bungee jumping.

Sky Diving

History of skydiving

Skydiving is also affiliated with parachuting. It is perceived to have begun years before 90 B.C in China. That implies that the skydiving sport is borrowed from the historic parachuting. One Chinese called Ssuma Ch'ien used to study old texts that told a story of Emperor Shun whose Father had tried to kill him (Skydiving History, 2008). Resultantly he tried to free into a granary tower. The Emperor did tie conical straw huts and jumped out of the tower. Thus, the huts are used to demonstrate the development of the parachute that was used to land safely on the ground. Further, there is a historical account of an event that took place in the 1100s. An Arab stole a leg of a golden table and jumped from the top of a mosque using two umbrellas without handles. The umbrellas are an initial invention of the Chinese (Skydiving History, 2008). The sport, however, commenced in the late 18th century in France by Jacques Garnerin. He performed display jumps from balloons that flew over Europe. Later in the 19th century, a section of women joined and comprised approximately 15 to 20 percent of the skydivers (Pointer & Turoff, 1978). The exercise has been associated with myriad military and free fall activities in the 20th and 21st century. It is essential to note that the first flexible parachute was developed by an Italian man named Pino. These are amongst the gradual developments that have played an instrumental role in growing or developing the sport.

Tips of skydiving

There are certain things that one ought to know before engaging in the skydiving sport. Remember, Skydiving is identified as an exhilarating, as well as, intensified adrenaline rush that is indescribable (Goodwin, 2015). First, it is important to know that it is not a perfectly safe practice. Of course, one is jumping from an airplane or a high point from the ground. First, it is essential that the participant is in comfortable and warm clothes. They first resist any cause for fear resulted from the intensive cold in the atmosphere (Goodwin, 2015). Most believe that one is likely to have trouble breathing. However, it is not the case. There is no difference between breathing within a plane and outside the plane.

It is also crucial to note that it is not appropriate to jump when it is cloudy. The same case applies to jumping days. It is not convenient to jump during the weekdays. They are usually very busy. For starters, one needs to have Glasses or contact lenses. However, most skydiving centers possess goggles for the divers (Skydiving.com, 2015). Also, it is important for one to know how to land. For starters, one is advised to slide on the last part of the foot or have spongy shoes to make the landing easier for them. They act as shock absorbing agents. It is advisable that one tries to control the feeling of fear as much as they are willing to land safely. Other paramount tips include the way posture of the arms and legs as one jumps or makes the free fall. The same case applies to the posture one ought to take during landing. The posture is uniform for any skydiver.

Bungee jumping

Bungee jumping is a sport that involves the act of jumping from the top of a tall structure white connected to a very large and elastic cord (Kirke, 2014). It is essential to ascertain that the tall structure is usually fixed. They include buildings, crane or even a helicopter. It is a free-fall kind of activity but us much different from the skydiving.

The First Modern bungee jumps

The initial recorded modern bungee jumps were carried out on 1st April year 1978. They were made from a 250-feet or 76 meters tall Clifton Suspension Bridge that are situated in Bristol (Kirke, 2014). The two kingpins of the jumps were David Kirke and Simon Keeling, who were members of the Oxford University Dangerous Sports Club. The Dangerous club is said to have orchestrated the sport. That was despite the fact that the initial participants of the game were arrested. However, the orchestrators were released with a promise that they would not engage in the game again.

Bunge Jumping views

The orchestrator club's title can demonstrate how dangerous the game is. The danger in the game is associated with the numerous views that are considered common with regards to the game. For instance, the initial view was the Clifton Suspension Bridge (Kirke, 2014). The bridge is just one amongst the different categories of sites where the sport is conducted. Other renowned sites include the Kawarau Bridge in New Zealand, the London skyline, and the Tower Bridge. It is assumed that the participant in this hilarious sport with the intention of enjoying the moment. Different sites differ with regards to heights. However, it is certain that each site is very scaring due to the heights.

Roller Coaster

The Roller Coaster sport is an amusement form of ride that is usually developed in amusement parks or the modern parks. The patent, an entity of invention, was acquired by Adna Thompson in the year 1885. The roller coaster comprises a specialized railroad system. Thus, the coaster has a track that rises and falls in well designed and calculated patterns. The patterns are not necessarily uniform. In fact, the patterns are instituted in a manner that the participants of the amusement sport do not expect or predict the patterns. The roller coasters differ with regards to the types of trains, the track layout, the mechanics and the heights considered. The participants of the game are ensured optimal security and safety. First, the train used is fully automated. That means that there is no occasion that the trains in the lanes can collide. The passengers are well tied and fastened to their seats prior to the commencement of the amusement trip around the layout.
Roll Coasters often provide the most thrilling experience any adrenaline associated sport can give. The roll coasters differ with vis-à-vis the terrifying levels of the computer animations used. A perfect example is a skyscraper that reaches a height of approximately 570 feet and travels at a speed of 65 meters per hour (Buck tin, 2014). It is characterized by a series of looping and twisting.

Causes of creating extreme sports

There are several causes associated with the creation of the extreme sports. They include the reduction of stress and pushing off the adrenaline. The following is a detailed outline of these causes.

Reducing stress

First, it is the objective of every human being to ensure that he has a good and quality life. Thus, the extreme sports give the participants a sense of satisfaction towards getting out of challenging themselves and becoming victorious at the end. Secondly, a repeat of participating in the extreme sports leads to a feeling of relaxation. It is the sense of relaxation that helps the participants to remain resistant to heart and other affiliated problems. Many may argue that the sports are associated with the zeal to earn money. However, it is essential to stipulate that the extent in which the sports assist in reducing stress is higher than that of the fiscal gains associated with the game.

Pushing the adrenaline

The introduction into the extreme sports is associated with the inflated ego. The ego is what that determines the passion for the games. However, one cannot quantify the adrenaline, as well as, the feeling of happiness that one acquires after succeeding in the games. First, the sports give the body a real thrill than one would get from the normal sports. Secondly, the participants have to put full concentration into the game. That implies that the participants enjoy the moment to the fullest. These causes could be directly attributed to the immediate benefits of extreme sports. It is paramount to denote that it is not easy for anyone to experience the adrenaline rush. Thus, participation in these sports offers the opportunity.  

Benefits of extreme sports

Most importantly, the major benefit of the participating in the extreme sports is that one enjoys the level of satisfaction and the fact that one ends up being victorious. There are other affiliated benefits accrued to the extreme sports.

Life full of energy

First, participating in the extreme sports offers individuals with a life that is full of energy. A life full of energy is characterized and defined in terms of the improved life quality, mental stability and freedom from psychological discrepancies such as stress and depression. Further, it increases the immunity level against deadly health issues such as heart attacks. Recent research indicates that participants of similar extreme sports tend to improve their levels of enthusiasm and happiness. These factors are paramount in the context of ensuring that one's body and nerves are relaxed. Thus, they obtain or live a quality life free from health issues.

Helps to overcome fears

Secondly, the extreme sports subject the participants into intensively threatening and terrific situations. Arguably, people develop resilience and ability to face challenges or fears. For instance, the jumping done by the skydivers and the bungee jumpers is associated with fear of the unknown. The same case happens to the movements experienced at the roll coasters. Thus, one learns to concentrate on issues making them capable of facing fears.

Enhancing incredible adrenaline rush

Thirdly, the extreme support influence the acquisition of the adrenaline rush. The adrenaline rush becomes a very instrumental factor in determining the capability of a person to face what seems impossible. In most cases, sportsmen in these games yearn to encounter those moments when they feel like they are putting their lives on the line. The adrenaline rush acquired during the participation of these games becomes incredible compared to most of the other sports.

Increase self-confidence

Finally, the sport helps the participants to increase the level of self-confidence. It is stipulated that completion of these exercises influence one's feeling of victory. It is the successive feeling of elevated adrenaline rush and a sense of life that gives the individuals an opportunity to feel self-confident. The art of being self-confident is demonstrated by the fearless capability to encounter dreadful events in the name of becoming amused. The participants get an opportunity to grow the resilience needed to encounter some of the issues that been challenging to them. Regardless of the skill used to participate in the sport, self-confidence counts if the athlete or participant is to benefit from the sport.


Self-improvement is one amongst the many reasons behind people challenging themselves. Thus, most people who seek to alleviate or diminish the extent to which they suffer from stress tend to participate in the extreme sports. Skydiving, Roll coasters, and Bungee jumping are some amongst the extreme sports (Breivik, 2010). Moving and venturing into such lengths for anything else, including finances or wealth, is not worth it. It is not necessary to stipulate that one does not need to be rich to participate in the extreme sports. It is after the extreme sports athletes become acquainted with what they have to do in the sport that they enjoy improving their expertise. Most importantly, the participants of these sports become both physically and mentally challenged. The sport is mentally demanding since it requires the participants to express the capacity of fighting their fears.

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Science: The extreme support influence the acquisition of the
Reference No:- TGS02480524

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