
The extent to which the answer identifies relevant

(i) The extent to which the answer identifies relevant partnership law and company law issues and sets out sound reasoning in support of the discussion.

(ii) The extent to which the answer demonstrates knowledge and understanding of relevant topics of partnership law and company law, including having references to relevant sections of the Partnership Act 1891 (SA), the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and applicable case law.

(iii) Whether the answer is easy to read and understand. Students should use relevant headings and sub-headings to assist ease of reading. The headings and sub-headings do not count in the word-count.

(iv) As Question 1 is a research question, you are expected to show evidence of greater reading and knowledge beyond the textbook, Course Readers, lecture slides and materials for the course.


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Dissertation: The extent to which the answer identifies relevant
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