The exponential fourier series coecients for a signal xt

The exponential Fourier series coecients for a signal
x(t) are: ak= { 1.57 when k=0, 0 when k is even and k doesnt equal 0, ((-1)(k-1)/2)/k when k is odd}
Determine the following:
(a) Plot the spectrum of the Fourier series.
(b) Determine the trigonometric Fourier series coefficients for the first 6 harmonics.
(c) Determine the total power of x(t) for the first 6 harmonics
(d) How much of the total power of x(t) is in the DC harmonic (i.e. k=0)

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Electrical Engineering: The exponential fourier series coecients for a signal xt
Reference No:- TGS0585620

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