Question: Your are given the following linear regression: Si = β0+β1Ti+β2Ei+β3Pi+β4Hi+ui
Si = the number of second it takes for the ith car to accelerate from 0 to 100 km per hour
Ti= a dummy equal to 1 if the ith car has a manual transmission and 0 otherwise
Ei= the coefficient of the drag of the ith car
Pi= the curb weight (in kgs) of the ith car
Hi= the bhp horsepower of the ith car
The expected signs of the coefficients are: β1<0,β2>0,β3>0,β4<0, you run the model and you obtain the following output:
Dependent Variable: S
Method: Least Squares
Included observations: 38
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-statistic Prob.
C 9.223923 1.935467
T -O.786568 0.590256
E 7.906074 3.660143 2.160045
P 0.000408 0.000495
H -0.018971 0.0002674 -7.094425
R-squared 0.709460 Mean dependent var 8.438421
Adjusted R-squared 0.674243 S.D dependent var 2.621777
S.E. of regression 1.496382 Akaika info criterion
Sum squared resid 73.89229 Schwarz criterion
Log likelihood -66.55509 Hannan-Quinn criter
F-statistic Durbin-Watson stat 2.146911
Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000
1. Some of the t-statistics you obtained are missing from the output. Calculate them (be careful about the signs). Remember that the Null Hypothesis is:
H0: βi =0. Test in ∝=5% significance level. Your t-critical is given as 2.03.
2. The F value you obtained is missing. Calculate it and test if for 5% significance level. The F critical is given as 2.65.