Question 1:
The Executive Branch and NSA have recently been under fire for collecting phone and email records on hundreds of millions of Americans - sans terrorist activity or probable cause or warrants/subpoenas. Do you believe this activity to be ethical/unethical? Should the government be doing this? Does this violate the Patriot Act or FISA or the Fourth Amendment?
a. Demonstrates content knowledge through a full and complete original posting in response to the board topic
b. Two (minimum) or more (exceeding expectations) complete and thoughtful responses to other workshop participants that demonstrate addition of knowledge value to the board
C. Effective organization, construction, and expression of ideas in English
300 word minimum
Question 2
Now that you're nearing the end of the ACH exercise, do you think ACH is a valuable analytical tool you'll be able to use in the future or is it a tool with limited applications beyond the academic realm?