
The evidence is accurate and contains a balance of both

The topic is cyberbullying and this will be a technical communications essay discussing the matter.

1. The research topic fits course and has been approved by the instructor.

2. The writer articulates a clear statement of purpose.

3. The writer's proposal is realistic and achievable.

4. The writer keeps the scope of the paper narrow enough to handle subject matter effectively.

5. The writer demonstrates appropriate level of technical expertise for the chosen topic.

6. The writing is well organized.

7. Paragraphing is appropriate with central points made in each paragraph and includes a clear topic sentence.

8. Transitions are used to make smooth connections between ideas.

9. Research is drawn from a minimum of 5 sources: this includes at least 2 peer-reviewed or scholarly sources and the rest must be from different credible, peer-reviewed, or scholarly sources.

10. The writer effectively used in-text citations when quoting or paraphrasing material.

11. The writer includes primary research and discusses his/her findings in the paper.

12. The writer integrates graphics to clarify the researcher's data.

13. The evidence is accurate and contains a balance of both generalities and specifics (e.g., explanations, anecdotes, statistics, etc.).

14. Overall the paper reflects college level writing skills.

15. The conclusion contains a summary of the findings and possible recommendations for future research.

16. The writer identifies and presents clear issues.

17. The writer relies on objective data to support his /her final assertion or claim.

18. The writer uses sound reasoning to support his/her final assertion or claim.

19. The writer provides enough information for the audience to understand the main ideas.

20. The author refrains from making claims without supporting evidence.

21. Writing adheres to 6th edition APA style and form.

22. The paper is free from grammatical errors (e.g., dangling modifiers, subject-verb disagreement, verb tense shift, person shift, pronoun-antecedent disagreement, run-on sentences, comma splices, and diction errors).

23. The body of the paper must be 2500+ words in length. The Transmittal Letter, Title Page, Table of Contents and Information Abstract (150 - 200 words) are in addition to the 10 - 12 pages.

24. The paper includes a separate Reference page that has cited all sources in correct APA format.

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Dissertation: The evidence is accurate and contains a balance of both
Reference No:- TGS02539813

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