
The ethics group project involves each group reviewing one

The Ethics Group Project involves each group reviewing one case study of an ethical dilemma or an issue of Corporate Social Responsibility and preparing a consolidated response to questions.

The purpose of the project is for student to recognize "ethical moments" when they arise in the work environment, to understand the choices that are presented, and to become acquainted with the consequences of abdicating ethical responsibilities in either business, government, or in our own academic environment.

Each student will prepare and submit to me with the FINAL presentation - a TWO-page written document. On the first page, the student will provide a written answer to his/her assigned question.

The answer should not exceed ONE page and should describe the PowerPoint slide he/she prepared. On the second page, the student will describe his/her contribution to the overall project. Both the completed PowerPoint and the TWO-page paper must be reviewed by the entire group prior to submission.

QUESTION: .HOW DIFFICULT: On a scale of 1 to 5, how difficult does your group believe this choice is? Explain why you think it is an easy or difficult choice and explain why you think others may view differently.

Describe what you believe the outcome would be If a highly ethical decision was made versus an outcome if the ethics was somewhat compromised.


Thomas Drake and Media Leaks (Decision by whistleblower to provide classified information to the media)

VEDIO LINK : U.S. v. Whistleblower Tom Drake(Youtube)

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Operation Management: The ethics group project involves each group reviewing one
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