
The ethical dilemma assignments allow you to utilize what

The ethical dilemma assignments allow you to utilize what you are learning in this course and have learned in other courses to make rational arguments to analyze issues related to managers' responsibility towards addressing implicit bias.

I urge you to use concepts, theories, etc. that you are learning in our course (especially Ch. 4) as well as other courses that you have taken.

Many of these courses touch on these topics and theories that may help you frame or discuss the issues and this may provide an optimum opportunity to integrate learning.

You may approach this assignment in one of two ways:

Describe a time that you have experienced implicit bias in the workplace. Please briefly describe the situation. Next, in framing this as an ethical dilemma (by yourself, a manager, or others), describe what was done about this incident. Likely, there were aspects that could have been improved; please describe what should have been done better. Then, describe what you (and hopefully others) learned.

The importance of understanding implicit bias is a common theme in the media, many universities, and organizations of all sizes. Discuss if managers experience ethical dilemmas (real, perceived, or potential) when choosing to implement implicit bias training. Explain why this is this a dilemma?

Though we as managers (or leaders) cannot cure core problems due to biases immediately, please explore key areas that managers should focus.

The assignment should have an introduction and conclusion. The introduction and conclusion do not need to be very long but should be adequate to: 1) introduce the concepts and your main arguments and to 2) provide concluding remarks regarding the most important points.

Though this is an academic exercise, you may to write in first-person (i.e. I, me, we, our) if you choose to address prompt one above (not prompt two). Be sure to use a size 12 Serif (e.g., Times New Roman) font with one-inch margins on all four sides.

Your finished paper will be at least 2 pages in length. You need to utilize course material (theories, concepts, etc.) to demonstrate that you have read, understand, and are able to apply what is being learned and discussed in this course. Be sure to use APA format when writing.

While there is no limit on the number of references you can use, a minimum of three are required. Be sure to use and cite course material (theories, concepts, etc.) to guide your writing (the more the better).

Basically, if you did not know specific facts, theories, etc. before taking this course, or if it is not "common knowledge", cite it! There are many tutorials and resources available online (e.g., The Owl at Purdue). While you may utilize any of our course materials, you can also use "credible" sources. A few are in BB for your use. Plagiarism will lead to a grade of zero and constitutes academic dishonestly as addressed in PS 03.A.19 and page 24 of the UHD Student Handbook.

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Operation Management: The ethical dilemma assignments allow you to utilize what
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