
The essay should analyse an important and interesting

Assignment -

Write a 2000 word essay (text in appendices do not count). The essay should analyse an important and interesting economic issue using concept(s) from behavioural economics.

The topic can be related to what is being covered during the module, but it does not have to be. The key thing is that you demonstrate an interest in and ability to analyse an economic issue using concepts from behavioural economics. Please ask one of the lecturers in case of any doubt about the topic you are thinking about selecting.

So it is up to you to find an interesting and important topic to analyse. Use your imagination and creativity. Identify important research questions about parts of the economy you find interesting and important, and generate answers and insights using concepts from behavioural economics. Of course, we are happy to discuss with you the topics you are considering. But please do not just ask us to suggest a topic for you - try first to come up with some suggestions yourself.

Some other advice (items 2, 3 and are especially important):

1. Consider using a logical and clear section structure (for example: 1. Introduction, 2:xxx..., 2.1:xxx, 2.2:xxx, 2.3, 3:xxx, ...., 4,....., 5. Conclusion, References, Appendices).

2. Define and explain all core behavioural economics concepts you use, and give references.

3. Back up all statements and claims with clear argumentation, and references.

4. Provide references for all figures and diagrams.

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Microeconomics: The essay should analyse an important and interesting
Reference No:- TGS02702083

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