
The escalation in computer crime is becoming an

The escalation in computer crime is becoming an increasingly controversial topic in recent media stories. However, the way in which cybercrime is handled differs depending upon the country that has jurisdiction.

  • Research how cybercrime (either in general or with respect to certain crimes - e.g., hacking, identity theft, cyberstalking, etc.) is handled in at least three different countries (one can be the United States).
  • Compare and contrast each country's laws. What ethical issues arise as a result of differences in cybercriminal prosecution across cultures?
  • How will your understanding of the differences among cultures affect your ability to make decisions within your company?
  • Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words, written in a format appropriate for a business report. References and in-text citations should be in APA format.

Assignment Requirements

Student explains computer crime laws from the United States
Student explains computer crime laws from a first country other than the U.S.
Student explains computer crime laws from a second country other than the U.S.
Student compares and contrasts the laws of the three countries
Student identifies ethical issues in enforcing laws between countries and supports it with appropriate research
Student identifies how differences in culture affect decision making
Total (Sum of all points)
Points deducted for spelling, grammar, and/or APA errors
Adjusted total points
Directions for Submitting your Assignment
Compose your assignment in a Microsoft Word document and save it as Username-IT590 Assignment-Unit#.doc (Example: TAllen- IT590-Assignment-Unit 4.doc). Submit your file by selecting the Unit 4: Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 4.

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Computer Network Security: The escalation in computer crime is becoming an
Reference No:- TGS01213165

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2/25/2016 1:25:05 AM

The given assignment as following to whole data shown below about to controversial topic The escalation in computer crime is becoming a gradually more controversial topic in recent media stories. Though, the way in that cybercrime is handled differs depending upon the country that has jurisdiction. • Research how cybercrime (either in general or through respect to certain crimes – for instance, hacking, identity theft, cyber stalking, and so on.) is handled in at least 3 dissimilar countries (one can be the United States). • Compare and contrast each country's laws. What ethical questions arise as a consequence of differences in cybercriminal prosecution across cultures? • How will your understanding of the differences among cultures influence your ability to build decisions inside your company