The equation for osmotic pressure is mrt where is the

Seawater contains CaCO3 (0.12 g/L), CaSO4 (1.75 g/L), NaCl (29.7 g/L), MgSO4, (2.48 g/L), MgCl2 (3.32 g/l), NaBr (0.55 g/L), and KCl (0.53 g/L). What is the minimum applied pressure (in atm) needed to desalinate seawater by reverse osmosis at 298K? The equation for osmotic pressure is ?= MRT, where ? is the osmotic pressure (in atm), M is the total molarity of solute particles.

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Chemistry: The equation for osmotic pressure is mrt where is the
Reference No:- TGS0760047

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