
The end of a 075-in-diameter rod is fixed to an immovable

The end of a 0.75-in-diameter rod is fixed to an immovable plate as shown. The length of the rod is 18.0 in. A 50-lb weight is attached to a 16.0-in lever at the end of the Rod so that the weight is hanging perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the rod. For steel, E = 29 000 000 lb/in2 and 1.1. = 0.303. The polar moment of inertia for a solid circular shaft May be found by J = 'TTD4132, where D is the shaft diameter.

(a) Determine the torque that develops in the rod, in in-lb.

(b} Calculate the maximum torsional stress that develops in the rod.

(c) Determine the torsional strain that develops in the steel rod, in degrees.

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Civil Engineering: The end of a 075-in-diameter rod is fixed to an immovable
Reference No:- TGS0817188

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