Summary: The Research Project is a separate project for each student, in which the student researches a topic on the web and produces a report based on their research.
Each student will choose one topic, either from the following list or something they have a particular interest in. Several students will probably choose the same topic, but the work must be independent.
It must be at least 1000 words long. Submit it as either a Microsoft Word (*.doc, *.docx), rich text (*.rtf), or plain text file (*.txt).
At the end of the report, there must be a section for works cited, and a minimum of three references must be included.
Sample Topics:
The effects of globalization of the labor market
Ubiquitous surveillance - panacea or pointless?
Cultural homogenization and the Internet
Effects if globalization of the capital markets
Social effects of telecommuting
The global library - harbinger of a golden age?
Education by computer - a better way?
Books - obsolete?
Robot wars - science fiction or coming reality?
Whither the unskilled worker?