Quiz: Chapters 3 & 4
1) The effect of a viewer's attention shifting back and forth between positive and negative space is known as ______________________.
2) Grays that are achieved by mixing various amounts of only black and white are called ______________.
3) (T/F) A composition that features large variations of value is considered low contrast.
4) (T/F) Works of art in color do not have value.
5) Shape, in sculpture and architecture, is better referred to as _________.
6) In a composition, the space that is not the main figure(s) or object(s) is known as __________________.
7) This is the measurable space within a three-dimensional object, calculated by multiplying length by width by height: ______________.
8) Geometric shapes can be ________________ or _______________.
9) This technique creates a sense of volume utilizing subtle gradations of value to suggest curved surfaces: ________________.
10)Shapes that resemble elements found in nature are called ____________.
11)When a shape enters our consciousness in such a way as to carry an immediate association we could say that it is a(n) __________.
12)This is a distinct area on a two-dimensional surface: __________.
13)The objects or figures that you focus on in a work of art are referred to as the ________________.
14)____________________ is the illusion of possessing volume, having weight, and occupying space.
15)Grays that contain color are referred to as _______________ (hint: 2 possible answers)
16)_______________ is a high-contrast technique developed in the 17th century by artists to introduce drama and theatricality into
their works.
17)Highlights and cast shadows enhance the illusion of _____________________.
18)The term ‘value' refers to the range of _______________ and _____________ in a composition.
19)A composition featuring generally light values is known as __________ key.