1.The earliest fossils identifiable as hominins were all from:
A. Asia.
B. Europe.
C. Africa.
D. India
E. none of the above.
2.South African sites include Swartkrans, Taung, and Sterkfontein :
3.The first speciers to show signs of religious beliefs were:
A. Homo sapiens sapiens
B. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis
C. Homo erectus
D. Homo ergaster
E. Homo habilis
4.The fossil skeleton known as “Lucy” belongs to the species:
A. africanus.
B. aethiopicus.
C. habilis.
D. boisei.
E. afarensis.
5.The Taung child is classified as Australopithecus africanus and was discovered by Dart in 1924: