The Dyson sphere is an hypothetical spherical structure centered around a star. Inspired by a science fiction story, physicist Freeman Dyson described such a structure for the first time in a scientific paper in 1959. His basic idea consisted of an artificial spherical structure of matter built around a star at a distance comparable to a planetary orbit, with the purpose of capturing the energy radiated by the star and reusing it for industrial purposes. Assume the mass of the sun to be 2.00×1030kg .
A) Consider a solid, rigid spherical shell with a thickness of 100m and a density of 3900kg/m3 . The sphere is centered around the sun so that its inner surface is at a distance of 1.50×1011mfrom the center of the sun. What is the net force that the sun would exert on such a Dyson sphere were it to get displaced off-center by some small amount?
B) What is the net gravitational force Fout on a unit mass located on the outer surface of the Dyson sphere described in Part A?
C) What is the net gravitational force Fin on a unit mass located on the inner surface of the Dyson sphere described in Part A?