
The dream job interview

Discuss the following:

The Dream Job Interview:

You have made it through three rounds of interviews at a company you have wanted to work at for years. The interview process has been grueling, and you have had to answer a lot of questions about your previous work experience and what you would do in specific situations. Your final interview is with the president of the company. She is an interesting woman and has taken many unconventional paths in order to start the company and make it successful. Much to your surprise, the president is most interested in you and what you think about yourself. She already knows that you are qualified for the job. She firmly believes that the right person for the job is a person with a definitive self-concept and wants to know more about you as a person, not just a potential employee. The president hands you a pen and paper and tells you to explain what your dream job looks like within the company and the aspects of your self-concept that make you a great candidate for that job.

Step One: Consider what your dream job would be and describe that job in one to two paragraphs providing enough detail that your instructor will understand what you would do as part of that dream job. Then name at least 10 items that you would consider as part of your “self-concept characteristics.” The 10 items can be written in list format. Then, in your paper, using complete sentences, describe how these 10 characteristics represent your self-concept. Also define self-concept either by quoting or paraphrasing the textbook. Include a brief explanation of each one of the items, including how it would be relevant to your dream job.

Step Two: In paragraph format, analyze how three of those items came to be part of your self-concept, one for each way that self-concept develops. Categorize the contents into three ways in which our self-concept develops, culture, reflected appraisal, and social comparison. For example, if artist is one you select, then you may begin like this: “I believe I am an artist partially because I won an art competition in high school.” You would also want to be sure to discuss that this falls into the category of social comparison. Note that culture is explained  while reflected appraisal and social comparison are explained.

Be sure to include at least one self-concept characteristic that fits into each of the categories, thereby representing all categories of development. In addition, define each idea, culture, reflected appraisal and social comparison. Each item’s description, example and explanation will encompass a hefty paragraph or two. Defend each of your explanations or examples with detail and specific examples. Within this analysis of your  specific items, be sure to address how these items shaped your self-concept through the development of culture and the processes of reflected appraisal and social comparison.

• Your paper must be typed, approximately 3-4 pages long, and double spaced.

• The paper must also be proofread, and mistakes in grammar, spelling, sentence structure, formatting and other areas of paper mechanics should be kept to a minimum.

• Include a complete introduction to the paper that includes a thesis statement introducing the main ideas of the paper. Organize the body of the paper into main ideas that fit with your thesis statement. Include a conclusion to the paper that reviews and summarizes the paper.

• Include proper in-text citations in either APA or MLA format; be certain that you include the textbook definitions of the concepts you use and that you cite these definitions correctly. A works cited or reference page should be included at the end of your paper.

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