1. Stock XYZ has a current dividend of $6.00. The dividend is expected to grow at 4.00% per year until year 3 and then at 3.00% per year for the rest of time. Based on the riskiness XYZ, its discount rate is 7.00%. With this information, what is the dividend yield from today to year 1? 7.00% 3.93% 3.07% 3.73% 4.00% 4.12%
2. Stock XYZ has a current dividend of $4.00. The dividend is expected to grow at 2.00% per year until year 3 and then at 3.00% per year for the rest of time. Based on the riskiness XYZ, its discount rate is 6.00%. With this information, what is the dividend yield from today to year 1? 3.06% 6.00% 3.00% 3.21% 2.94% 2.90%