
The distance of the peanut dish to the participant and

I'm basically looking for someone to check my answers here; this course is online, so I have no TA to run to for validation, lol.

Scenario: A researcher interested in weight control wondered whether normal and overweight individuals differ in their reactions to the availability of food. Thus, normal and overweight participants were told to eat as many peanuts as they desired while working on a questionnaire. Participants filled out the questionnaire once, were given an opportunity to ask additional questions, and then were free to leave. One manipulation was the proximity of the peanut dish (close to or far from the participant); the second manipulation was whether the peanuts were shelled or unshelled. After each participant filled out the questionnaire, the peanut dish was weighed to determine the amount of peanuts consumed.

Question #1: Identify the design-for example, 2 x 2 factorial. I think that this is a 2x2x2 factorial (with the breakdown being characteristic of participant: overweight vs normal x shell state of peanut x distance of dish)

Question #2: Describe the eight conditions. I think the eight conditions are:

Normal participant weight, shelled nuts, close dish.
Normal participant weight, shelled nuts, far dish.
Normal participant weight, unshelled nuts, close dish.
Normal participant weight, unshelled nutes, far dish.
Participant overweight, shelled nuts, close dish.
Participant overweight, shelled nuts, far dish.
Participant overweight, unshelled nuts, close dish.
Participant overweight, unshelled nutes, far dish.

Question #3: Identify the manipulated variable(s). I believe the answer here would be the 1) the distance of the peanut dish to the participant and 2) whether the peanuts are shelled or unshelled; but would the weight of the dish also count as a manipulated variable since the participant would be able to manipulate that by eating (or not eating) the peanuts?

Question #4: Is this an IV x PV design? If so, identify the participant variable(s). I think yes, with the participant variable being weight (overweight or normal weight)

Question #5: Is this a repeated measures design? If so, identify the repeated variable(s). No, I don't think so.

Question #6: Identify the dependent variable(s). I think the dependent variable is the amount of peanuts consumed.

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Dissertation: The distance of the peanut dish to the participant and
Reference No:- TGS02375106

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