1. An ocean wave travels 10.8 m in 6.9 s. The distance between two consecutive wave crests is 4.3 m. What is the frequency of the wave? Answer in units of Hz
2. Water waves in a lake travel 4.73 m in 1.01 s. The period of oscillation is1s.
What is the speed of the water waves? What is their wavelength
3. If you slosh the water back and forth in a bathtub at the correct frequency, the water rises first at one end and then at the other. Suppose you can make a standing wave in a 183 cm long tub with a frequency of 0.2222 Hz. What is the velocity of the water wave? Answer in units of m/s
4. The distance between two consecutive nodes of a standing wave is 20.4 cm. The hand generating the pulses moves up and down through a complete cycle 3.61 times every 5.03 s. Find the velocity of the wave. Answer in units of m/s.