
The dichotomy between micro and macro practice


Q1. Who are you? At first glance, this may seem like a rather simple question. You may identify yourself, as we often do, at the micro level by citing easily identifiable characteristics such as gender, race, or family relationships. While these characteristics describe you, they are only a small part of who you are as a cultural being. The mezzo and macro levels define your multiple identities from a community and global context. Understanding your identity at the mezzo level provides a deeper understanding of the social construction of culture. The mezzo level defines your identity through the interpersonal exchanges in the workplace, your school, and in other everyday activities. Your perceived identity is incorporated into group standards and expectations. Navigating between the micro and mezzo levels can often affirm your own personally constructed identity or it can highlight contradictions between who you believe you are and how others define you. As you work through the Discussion, reflect on your identity from both the micro and mezzo levels. Are there any contradictions between the two levels? Consider how your identity as a cultural being may impact your work as a social worker. For this Discussion, you will explain how the social construction of race, ethnicity, gender, and other multicultural characteristics contribute to your essence as a cultural being.  Write an analysis of what you posted for your video introduction and explain the root of what you described as your culture. Then explain how the social construction of race, ethnicity, gender, and other multicultural characteristics impact your identity as a cultural being. Explain how your own definition as a cultural being is or is not consistent with the norms, categories, and constructs prescribed to your culture by social institutions. Finally, explain how an understanding of the social construction of culture is applicable to the work you will do in social work practice.

Q2. The foundation of the social work profession is rooted in two levels of social assessment and reform. One is the individual, or micro, approach, which examines the needs of the individual living in poverty and explores how trained social work professionals could assist the individual in overcoming barriers to economic self-sufficiency. The other approach, which occurs simultaneously, is a macro, or larger environment, approach. This approach identifies and influences changes in the larger systems (education, economic, etc.) to improve self-sufficiency. The social work profession incorporates both approaches and trains professionals to intervene effectively at both levels of practice.  For this Discussion, review this week’s resources. Then, reflect on the dichotomy between micro and macro practice. Next, think about how micro practice has come to dominate the social work profession. Write an explanation of “the dichotomy between micro and macro” practice. Then, describe how micro practice has come to dominate the social work profession.

Your answer must be, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format.

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Other Subject: The dichotomy between micro and macro practice
Reference No:- TGS01945726

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