The development of your learning module is very time consuming, so it is recommended that you begin creating your learning module during this first week. Before you begin, download Course Map depicting the screen-by-screen components of your entire learning module. Your final module (due in Unit 4) will comprise approximately 25-30 screens. For this week, however, you should begin development of your learning module by creating the basic framework as depicted in the download Course Map.
Note: Your first Lectora deliverable is not due until Unit 2.
Throughout this course, you will be incrementally developing your learning module, which contains multiple topics/units of instruction. For this assignment Download Course Map to help you populate the basic framework of your learning module with these screens:
- welcome screen
- help screen
- functioning menu
- introduction to your module populated with your TCOs
- introduction to Unit 1 or Topic 1 populated with your enabling objectives
- introduction to Unit 2 or Topic 2 with your enabling objectives
- learning activities supporting your topics/units of instruction
Each topic/unit of instruction should have 2-4 enabling objectives. Your learning activities support the learning objectives for that specific topic/unit of instruction and provide for immediate/formative feedback that facilitates the transfer of learning. Note: If you use a quiz for your learning activity, ensure each question provides immediate formative feedback supporting your learning objectives.
Remember: These questions are not assessment questions. They are not assessing the attainment of the learning objectives; instead, they are reinforcing the learning objectives.