
The deposit class will be able to get a transaction number

Please read all of it: GUI use required

Create a Deposit class for a checkbook.

The Deposit class will be able to get a Transaction number, date, description of the transaction, the deposit amount and calculate a new balance.

The user should be asked if they want to deposit, withdraw, or set a goal, again.

The user must have the option to Finish and display the final balance or exit the program.

Methods that must be used for the Deposit class: Math operators, Array List, loop, GUI

The user will be asked to use a + or - in front of the number entered to add or decrease from balance.

An Array List will keep all current transactions, then it will remove previous transactions.

Methods that must be used for Transaction: JComboBox, Scanner, Loops

The user should select from a list (gas, food or bills) or be able to manually enter a type of transaction.

The user receives an error if they enter anything that is not a character string.

The user will also be asked to accept after entering it to confirm their entry.

If entry is not suitable they should be allowed to reselect or enter a new entry.

Method that must be used for the Date: set Local Date

Transactions that the user makes are dated.

The user must be prompted of the last time they logged in.

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Computer Engineering: The deposit class will be able to get a transaction number
Reference No:- TGS02893497

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