
The delta project is a project to determine if large-scale

The Delta project is a project to determine if large-scale agricultural production can succeed in Alaska. In this project, 22 persons are to be selected from a pool of 103 qualified applicants and awarded the right to purchase land parcels to be developed for agricultural purposes. ("Expanding Subarctic Agriculture," Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 1982, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 178-187.)

(a) In how many ways can the 22 persons be selected? (Set up only.)

(b) Assume that you are one of the persons in the applicant pool. In how many of the subgroups of part (a) will you be included? (Set up only.)

(c) If the selection process is done randomly, each of the subgroups of part (a) is equally likely. If your name is in the applicant pool, what is the probability that you will be awarded the right to purchase land?

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Basic Statistics: The delta project is a project to determine if large-scale
Reference No:- TGS02734320

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