
The degree to which you believe you display each

Following is a list of twenty personality characteristics. Please indicate the degree to which you believe you display each characteristic while interacting with others by marking whether you (5) strongly agree that you exhibit the characteristic, (4) agree that you exhibit it, (3) are undecided, (2) disagree that you exhibit the characteristic, or (1) strongly disagree that it ap¬plies. There are no right or wrong answers. Work quickly, record your first impression

1. Helpful

2. Defend my own beliefs

3. Independent

4. Responsive to others

5. Forceful

6. Have strong personality

7. Sympathetic

8. Compassionate

9. Assertive

10. Sensitive to the needs of others

11. Dominant

12. Sincere

13. Gentle

14. Willing to take a stand

15. Warm

16. Tender

17. Friendly

18. Act as a leader

19. Aggressive

20. Competitive

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Other Subject: The degree to which you believe you display each
Reference No:- TGS01120105

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