
The degree to which employees identify with and are

Multiple Choice Quiz

1 The degree to which employees identify with and are emotionally committed to their work is referred to as:

A) job satisfaction.

B) employee competencies.

C) espoused values.

D) enacted values.

E) employee engagement.

2 Which of the following is not explicitly stated in the model of individual behaviour and performance?

A) Motivation

B) Self-efficacy

C) Role perceptions

D) Situational factors

E) Ability

3 Employee performance will decrease if this factor weakens.

A) Motivation

B) Ability

C) Role perceptions

D) All of the above

E) Only ‘a' and ‘b' affect employee performance

4 Direction, intensity, and persistence are three dimensions of:

A) motivation.

B) organizational citizenship.

C) role perceptions.

D) person-job matching.

E) ability.

5 The natural aptitudes and learned capabilities required to successfully complete a task are referred to as:

A) talent.

B) ability.

C) motivation.

D) antecedents.

E) role perceptions.

6 Ability includes which of these?

A) Direction and intensity

B) Natural aptitude and intensity

C) Persistence and direction

D) Intensity and learned capabilities

E) Natural aptitudes and learned capabilities

7 The abilities, values, personality traits, and characteristics of people that lead to superior performance are called:

A) values.

B) skills.

C) competencies.

D) aptitudes.

E) perceptions.

8 Goal-directed activities under the individual's control are known as:

A) learning.

B) tacit knowledge.

C) self-efficacy.

D) task performance.

E) organizational citizenship.

9 Conditions beyond an employee's immediate control that constrain or facilitate his or her behaviour are:

A) role perceptions.

B) abilities.

C) competencies.

D) situational factors.

E) all of the above.

10 Acts such as work avoidance or making nasty comments about others are examples of:

A) counterproductive work behaviours.

B) situational factors.

C) organizational citizenship.

D) enacted values.

E) values incongruence.

11 Values congruence refers to situations where:

A) individual values are the complete opposite of company values.

B) two or more entities have similar value systems.

C) employees' values differ from their managers' values.

D) companies in the same industry have the same values systems.

E) managers see differences between their personal values and organizational practices.

12 Which of the following is NOT a cross-cultural value?

A) Power distance

B) Individualism

C) Organizational memory

D) Uncertainty avoidance

E) Achievement-nurturing orientation

13 Employees with high uncertainty avoidance:

A) accept unequal distribution of power in society.

B) respect tradition and fulfilling social obligations.

C) value thrift, savings, and persistence.

D) are comfortable receiving commands from their managers.

E) value structured situations where rules of conduct and decision making are clearly documented.

14 One problem with individual rights is that

A) certain individual rights may conflict with others.

B) it focuses on the consequences of actions.

C) the judgment is on the results.

D) it is difficult or impossible to evaluate the benefits or costs of many decisions.

E) those who make a lesser contribution should receive less.

15 The ethical principle of utilitarianism advises us:

A) to seek the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

B) that we must seek the right thing to do.

C) that everyone has entitlements.

D) people who are similar should receive similar benefits.

E) to do what is right.

16 All of these are part of the "Big Five" personality dimensions, EXCEPT:

A) openness to experience.

B) agreeableness.

C) locus of control.

D) neuroticism.

E) extroversion.

17 People who are outgoing, talkative, sociable, and assertive are displaying:

A) introversion.

B) agreeableness.

C) neuroticism.

D) extroversion.

E) openness to experience.

18 The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator measures:

A) the amount of stress employees experienced during the previous week.

B) sensing, judging, and other personality traits identified by Carl Jung.

C) level of employee engagement.

D) the extent to which the individual has an internal or external locus of control.

E) the employee's tendency to rely on stereotypes rather than factual information.

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HR Management: The degree to which employees identify with and are
Reference No:- TGS01372673

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