
The decline of the traditional family is bad for society

Major Essay Topics: Choose 1 (one) topic only: (length 1,000 words)

1. "The decline of the traditional family is bad for society". Discuss this statement with reference to key theories and studies pertaining to the family as an institution. Your essay should focus on one country in the tropics.


2. "Social mobility is obtainable for all Australians because Australia is a "lucky country". Discuss whether you agree with statement or not, by referring to key factors such as social class, ethnicity and gender in light of relevant theories and research.


3. "Gender is socially constructed". How and why has the social-construction of gender changed over time in Singapore? Discuss using examples of both 'males' and 'females'.


4. According to the sociologist P. Bourdieu an individual's educational success is dependent on the amount of cultural capital that (s)he possesses which is valued by the school system. Discuss if the possession of cultural capital is vital to obtaining educational success or not, with specific reference to one (or more) of the following: race, ethnicity, class and gender.

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Dissertation: The decline of the traditional family is bad for society
Reference No:- TGS02783128

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