
The dec alpha architecture places the following

The DEC Alpha architecture places the following restrictions on floating-point instructions, for programs that wish to recover from arithmetic exceptions:

1. Within a basic block (actually, in any sequence of instructions not sep- arated by a trap-barrier instruction), no two instructions should write to the same destination register.

2. A source register of an instruction cannot be the same as the destination register of that instruction or any later instruction in the basic block.

r1  + r5  → r4

r1  + r5  → r4

r1  + r5  → r3

r1  + r5  →r4

r3  × r2  → r4

r4  × r2  → r1

r4  × r2  → r4

r4  × r2  →r6

violates rule 1.

violates rule 2.

violates rule 2.


Show how to express these restrictions in the register interference graph.

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Assembly Language: The dec alpha architecture places the following
Reference No:- TGS01199111

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