
The dangers of poor nutrition and how processed foods

Examine the impact of a crisis and resolution, whether political, social, economic or environmental, and seek to answer questions concerning group definitions, goals and justifications, the impact of the crisis, and ways in which the crisis is being or can be resolved.


10 page assignment paper.

APA format


the dangers of poor nutrition and how processed foods, sugars, and artificial ingredients are causing diseases and even cancer. Explain how a diet comprised of vegetables and natural foods are preventing diseases and even curing me. Must use two sources to site from.

Use this his thesis statement to start:

It is imperative that we change our entire approach to nutrition and educate ourselves on the dangers of poor diet and poor food choices. By doing so, we can focus on better health and improve the quality of our lives. We can stay away from harmful medications in our later years and even pass the paradigm on to our children for the benefit of our future generations.

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