Please fill in the blank with the best key word from either class material or the textbook.
1. The process of learning and being taught the culture of a society and how to fit into it is known as .
2. are the agents of socialization most influential on school age children and especially teenagers.
3. The earliest agent of socialization that has the most influence on children when they are very young, before they enter school, is .
4. refers to how we learn to take on and internalize the culture or subculture of a social group before we actually enter into that group as a member, aspiring to become a member in the future.
5. refers to norms about when and how emotions are expressed in any given culture or subculture.
6. The refers to the process by which our sense of self develops through internalizing other people's reactions to us and how we behave.
7. Your close friends and family members that influence you and the development of the self are known as .
8. The culture and expectations of other people you don't know personally, who also influence you and the development of self, are known as the .
9. The way children play and pretend to take on the behaviors, perspectives, and responsibilities of others, as a matter of growing social cognition and the development of the self, is a process known as .
10. The brought about many societal changes, including an extended period of adolescence during which children are socialized without adult responsibilities because they are required to stay in school until finishing high school.
11. processes refer to how people gravitate toward social groups with like-minded people, thus reinforcing the norms and values of that group.
12. A ceremony or trial that someone goes through to enter a new social group is known as a .
13. A place in which people are cut off from the rest of society and where they come under almost total control of those in charge is known as a .
14. arean attempt to strip away your current or old identity and stamp a new one in its place by intimidation or even humiliation.
15. isa term that refers to a period of life following high school when young adults have not yet taken on the responsibilities ordinarily associated with adulthood, such as leaving home, getting married, having children, or becoming financially independent.
16. True or False? Girls and boys are sometimes socialized in different ways because of their gender.
17. True or False?Socialization can sometimes vary by social class, such as upper middle class compared to working class children.
18. True or False? The socialization of children does not vary in any way from one country to the next.
19. True or False? Socialization continues throughout the life course and does not end with childhood.
20. Written response:Provide an example of socialization (either by parents, authority figures, peer groups, the workplace, the media, or another agent) and explain what exactly someone is learning from this socialization process and how it fits into the broader culture/sub-culture.