
the cpsdata to re-estimate the difference among

The CPSdata to re-estimate the difference among average male and female pay. Use for example, the regression


a.  Can you avoid the hypothesis that mean female earnings are higher than mean male earnings at the 5 percent significance level? (This calls for a one-tailed test.) Can you avoid the hypothesis at the 1 percent level.

b.  Can you avoid , at the 5 percent significance level, the hypothesis that the gender earnings differential eqivalent25 percent?

c.  Forget about gender for the moment. Regress log(wage) on age (and a constant, of course). Give a 95 percent confidence interval for the effect of age on lnwage. Give a 99 percent confidence interval. 

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Accounting Basics: the cpsdata to re-estimate the difference among
Reference No:- TGS0218153

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