
The course project is a significant portion of your grade

Question: Guidelines: The length of the Course Project should be seven to ten pages, double-spaced, and in strict APA format.

The Course Project is a significant portion of your grade, so you should consider it a very important activity.

You will need at least three outside sources for your Course Project beyond the course textbook.

Web resources and professional journal articles will be key sources in researching your topic.

At least one of your sources must be obtained through the Waldorf Online Library.

In-text citations and APA referencing are required.

You will list all of your sources on a Reference Page at the end of the project.

The HCM 3304 Course Project will include at least the following sections; you may want to include others if you deem them appropriate:

1. Introduction of your Topic

2. Challenges and Problems Associated with your Topic

3. Review of the Community Health Literature

4. Critical Analysis of Challenges/Problems

5. Recommended Solutions

6. Implementation of Solutions

7. Justification of Solutions

8. Conclusion

9. References

The professor is happy to review drafts of your final Course Project so that you can have feedback and make any necessary improvements before the work is considered final for submission. If you are submitting a draft review, please do so during Unit VI of the course, so that professor has time to review and comment. Your professor is here to help you succeed!

Some possible Course Project topics for your consideration include:

• Career Opportunities in Epidemiology

• Professional Development in Epidemiology

• Disease Surveillance

• Measures of Morbidity

• Causes of Mortality

• Randomized Clinical Trials

• Validity and Reliability of Screening Tests

• Cost-Benefit Analysis of Health Screening

• Confounding in Epidemiology

Bias in Epidemiological Research

HCM 3304, Principles of Epidemiology 3

• Natural History of Disease

• Evaluating Screening Programs

• Role of Epidemiology in Disease Prevention

• Research Ethics in Epidemiology

Classifying Race and Ethnicity in Epidemiological Research

Sharma, M., Branscum, P. W., & Atri, A. (2014). Introduction to community and public health. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

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HR Management: The course project is a significant portion of your grade
Reference No:- TGS02815079

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