The course is Strategic Human Resources Management. The book utilizing is: Human Resources Management, A Strategic Approach, Authors are: Anthony, W.P., Kacmar, K.M and Perrewe, P.L. Subject: Ethics in the Workplace MUST HAVE ESSAY WITH ALL REFERENCES Consider the following quote: It is naive to believe that ethics is simply common sense, that everyone knows what "doing the right thing" means. No employee can understand the ethics of an organization until the association and its leaders define and communicate it. -Navran, 2003 The focus this week has been on additional functions of human resource management. Ethics underlies many of the concepts presented. Providing a safe and healthy work environment is not only a legal requirement, but an ethical requirement as well. Managing employee relations in an ethical manner is critical for maintaining integrity at organizational and managerial levels. Unions were originated to help ensure ethical treatment of employees and as a way to protect employee safety and health. With these thoughts in mind: Select a topic from this week's readings that interested you the most. Prepare a substantive posting (200 words minimum) on the material. . Describe a real-world situation that relates to or could be addressed utilizing primary concepts from the assigned readings. . How does this support ethical treatment of employees? . What would be the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen approach?