Instructions: Use the information presented in this packet for this case. To complete this case, you are to read and understand the problem and decide the right descriptive statistical methods needed to solve the problem. Plan, calculate, analyze, and interpret all statistical procedures relevant to the data presented. Be prepared to justify your statistical strategies and procedures. Your report can be included in your Excel spreadsheet.
The intent of this case is to analyze household income in two districts. Each district has 50 households each. The head of household age and occupation are also recorded. The county manager is interested in finding out household income information about the two districts in total and separate. Also of interest is whether any significant difference existed between the two districts, and whether age or occupation affect the income level. One issue that is most important to the county manager is the households with income above $80,000(implying significant Disposable Income) due to regulatory and development issues. This group of household has the most influence in county matters and the county manager needs to pay special attention to their interests.
In addition, the county manager is also interested in the opinions of the residents of the two subdivisions regarding the location of a new high school. Households were given a short questionnaire asking their views. The following questions made up this questionnaire.
1. Build the new high school in the existing park.
2. Expand the elementary school ground to include the new high school.
3. Build a new elementary school and a new high school both near the county land near the highway and keep the park as is.
4. Build a new elementary school and a new high school both in the park.
5. Don't build the new high school.
The households responded to these questions using the following rating scale.
1. (1) strongly agree
2. (2) agree
3. (3) agree somewhat
4. (4) disagree
5. (5) strongly disagree
The county manager is interested in finding out how each district and household by occupation responded to the survey. Were there any differences in questionnaire response between district and occupation? Finally, the county manager seeks to see what relationship exists between household income and their responses to the questionnaire.
As the county analyst, your responsibility is to examine the data presented in this package, analyze it, and present your findings to the county manager.
Chart of Codes
Data Category
Data Interpretation
Household #
1= west side 2 = east side
1= Accountant, 2 = Engineer, 3= Banker, 4= Nurse, 5= Mechanics, 6 = teacher 7= salesman. 8= retailer, 9= baker 10= service worker, 11= management
Age of head of household
Total household income in thousands
Z Score
Household Income standardized
Response to Question 1 of Class Questionnaire
Response to Question 2 of Class Questionnaire
Response to Question 3 of Class Questionnaire
Response to Question 4 of Class Questionnaire
Response to Question 5 of Class Questionnaire
Mean Score on Questionnaire
Attachment:- household_income_data.xlsx