Engineering Risk Management
Assessment: Disaster Plan Analysis Report
Identify and analyse risk (financial, legal, environmental, HR);
Create a plan for measuring and monitoring performance;
Describe the process used to analyse strategic issues;
How the Assessment fits into the subject/course:
The context of the subject is engineering; however the content is applicable across a range of other contexts and is relevant to industry. The assessment focus is on risk management, risk assessment and risk mitigation plans.
Assessment Linkages of Assessment 1 and Assessment 2:
Assessment is used to inform and build knowledge for Assessment 2 allowing students to examine concepts and in detail throughout the delivery of the subject.
In the first part of this assessment, students will complete a disaster analysis report using the principles of risk management. The focus of the disaster analysis will be the Tianjin China explosion of 13 August 2015:
In the second part of this assessment, students will create a case based risk analysis for all sections of a business. This will include a mitigation proposal including a cost benefit analysis.
Output/Deliverable and parameters of the assessment
Part 1
Students are to submit a disaster plan analysis report comprising of 1500 words focusing on the principles of risk management. Students are encouraged to utilise a range of resources in the report including relevant multi-media where appropriate, graphs, charts, etc. Ensure an evidence based approach is taken into the analysis drawing on theoretical frameworks from the research and literature, and from recent news accounts of the disaster.